So I saw this pin on pinterest that inspired me. The pin? Well the pins lead to 2 different places and that would be here and here. The idea is to take a coffee mug and write something in permanent marker and bake it on. Well I decided to take this a step further when I was out shopping for supplies and an which of the many idea's I had floating around my head to make.
So I was about to pick up a mug when my Dollar Tree wandering lead me to a ceramic hand soap container. As you might have been able to tell (If you have checked out my other crafts) I LOVE Nightmare before Christmas just as Jessica does. So I decided on a NBC themed craft for this soap container.
Ceramic item, permanent markers |
1. Decide what you want to make. Here I did the hill in front of the moon.
2. Color in the background and your image.
3. I didn't want to leave the back blank so I wrote on the back.
4. Then Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minuets. (put in cold oven and let cool in the oven till its cold)
5. Well it came out a lot lighter then it went in.
6. It gave it a nice pastel look on the blue and yellow but I wanted darker so I went over it again.
7. Then I decided the back was still too blank so I added a jack face.
8. I put it back in the oven for another 30 mins but this time at 200 degrees. (repeat inosert into cold oven and cool till oven is cold.)
9.This is what came out.
Note: I put it in a brownie pan just in case that it might break from the heat.
10. I then took it to my spray area and sprayed it with some clear spray to prevent smudging.

That's really cool...thanks for sharing!