Friday, July 19, 2013

Euro Centrale Collection by OPI

I have been seeing the Euro Centrale collection and have been drooling over Can’t Find My Czechbook, since day one. 


But after looking at swatches and drooling some more due to the price I can only afford to get one and I would have to go with 

Information from their site:
Euro Centrale by OPI is a celebration of one of the world’s richest sources of creative talent for centuries, and especially one of the areas of cultural awakening emerging from this region: fashion. Gothic historical churches alongside modern public buildings punctuated with vibrant graffiti murals are the perfect backdrop for modern fashion design to make its entrance. Young designers present their most avant-garde creations at fashion shows held in museums, designs to rival anything from Paris or Milan.
This fusion of "old meets new" perfectly illustrates how times have changed. Technological advances help us achieve the "have it all" lifestyle – family, career, civic duty, and now, what has become most fundamental — time to nourish ourselves, with a stronger focus on nutrition, exercise, and spiritual growth. As a result, our lives have become fuller, richer. We are no longer defined so much by what we do for a living, but how we live, including how we colour our lives to reflect our passions.
For some, it’s glamour that defines us. It shines outward in the way bold metallics shine in luxurious shades of gold (OY–Another Polish Joke!), bronze(Hands Off My Kielbasa!), and copper (A Woman’s Prague-ative).
For others, we were born to play – whether it’s physical sports, playing with our families, or simply having a playful attitude. We live in bright, happy shades like warm pink (Suzi’s Hungary AGAIN!), periwinkle purple (You’re Such a BudaPest), aqua (Can’t Find My Czechbook), fiery red (My Paprika is Hotter than Yours!), and glittery blues and violets (
And then there are those of us with an "indie" approach to life, deep thinkers who are drawn to colours just as profound. Bottomless ocean indigo(OPI...Eurso Euro), midnight blue (I Saw…U Saw…We Saw…Warsaw), and aubergine (Vant to Bite My Neck?) appeal to us. Finally, some of us choose to remain neutral, allowing us to move freely through the world, but for them, neutral isn’t’s exciting (My Vampire is Buff)!
As significant as colour, nail design continues to be an important element in fashion, acting as accessories as prominent as jewelry. By experimenting with application designs and exploring in new directions, nail fashion heights are limited only by imagination and daring.

Do you own any of the Euro collection? Which is your favorite? If you haven't already do you plan on purchasing one or more? 


  1. I agree with you...Polka would be my choice to!

  2. I've been lusting over Polka for a long time. =)


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