Monday, May 6, 2013

My7's eCig Power Kit and Hybrid Kit Review

The products mentioned in this review were provided by however the thoughts and comments in this review are solely my own and were not influenced by any outside sources.

eCigarette Power Kit
This Kit currently retails for $98.95 on the website.  It includes two lithium ion batteries which are the lower part of the eCig, sixteen (16) cartomizers which are all the same flavor but you choose the flavor, a usb charger and power adapter as well as a power pack charging case.  The power pack charging case comes in black, white or pink and has its own battery that you charge with the usb power adapter.  You will then plug the lithium ion batteries into the charging case and the case will charge your eCig even when you are on the go.  This case will also hold your cartomizers so you can carry multiple flavors or just make sure you don't run out.  I'm just under a pack a day smoker and one battery on full charge has lasted me over two weeks without recharging and I have not had to change the cartomizer as of yet.  I have however been testing two different eCigarettes from the same company so your experience may be different depending on how often you smoke and how big of a draw you take off the eCig.  The only complaint I can find about this particular eCigarette is that since the battery is located in the bottom of the eCig its very heavy at the bottom and very light at the top which leaves it a bit unbalanced.  For me it feels weird to hold the eCig in the same way I would hold a normal cigarette because of the way it is balanced.  This really is my only complaint though.

eCigarette Hybrid Kit
This Kit retails for $99.95 on  It includes two batteries, a usb charger and power adapter your choice of two different liquid flavorings and an adapter for the use of the ready to use cartomizers.  I did seem to like this kit better.  Even though it isn't shaped like a conventional cigarette I liked being able to mix flavors.  With my kit I ordered Chocolate and Strawberry.  I also ordered two additional bottles of flavors which were Peach and Cream flavor.  I was not too fond of the Chocolate alone but mixed with Strawberry it was pretty good.  I also liked the Strawberry on its own.  The Peach flavor is also very good alone as well as mixed with the Cream to make Peaches and Cream.  As of right now there are twenty-eight (28) different liquid flavors to choose from and you can mix and match to make your own flavors.

All in all the My7's eCigarettes Kits were great.  I would definitely recommend these products to friends and family and will continue to use the products myself.

I would give the Power Kit a three (3) out of five (5) Stars because of the issues I had with how the weight is distributed.  I would give the Hybrid Kit a four (4) out of five (5) Stars.  I like the flavors and versatility but I wish it wasn't quite as bulky and looked and felt like a regular cigarette.  For the people I know that have been using eCigs for a while now and are used to the odd shape of the Hybrid type device this would probably be a five (5) out of five (5) stars.


  1. I so wish I could afford something like this for my husband since I am trying to get him to dwindle down his cigarettes and quit. Love both of them. Thanks for sharing about them. Love the review.

  2. Thanks I'm glad you like the review. I know the eCig kits are expensive but once you get used to using them and stop smoking regular cigarettes they will save you more money than you realize. The refills for the cartomisers and the liquid are so much cheaper for the amount you get and lasts so much longer. You could also maybe start out with one of the disposable eCigs to see how your husband likes them. has disposables and you can also usually find them at your local gas station. Hope this helps.

  3. I would love to try this for my husband!

  4. Just an update guys, I'm using the power pack more and more often and smoking real cigarettes less and less thanks to the support aka bitching and complaining I get from my oh so loving boyfriend.

  5. I do't smoke but I love the idea that someone can smoke and non-smokers don't have to worry about inhaling the secondhand smoke.


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